I enjoy writing. I enjoy expressing myself many different ways. Artistically with color, form, design, and textures, as well as with food and words, decorating, nurturing plants and people, etc. So, why do I NOT WRITE often. God knows I have a million thoughts going on inside my head all the time. Too much sometimes. That is why it is a darn good thing I take time out to be quiet and meditate in my own various ways. Calms me down, allows me to ground and hear my heart and higher self; the self truly connected to the Universe. It's a good thing. A very very GOOD thing for me, for you, for ALL of us to do. I believe, today at least, that I do not write more often because I have so much I want to say, so much I wish to share, to teach about, to alert people to, or make them at least aware of, that it all clumps up into a huge BLOCKAGE, and therefore NOTHING gets through. This is not good and I intend to break up this blockage and allow my thoughts and pondering to begin to come out in "bite size pieces" to whomever is reading this. If it is meant for you, then it will resonate, make sense to you and you will feel in alignment with it. If not, it was not meant for you. You do not resonate with it and that is just fine. We are all in different stages and places in our personal growth , conscious evolution, spiritual maturity. It's all just the way it needs to be "at this time". Also, we all express what we are learning in different ways, so some people will understand our way of explaining things, and others will not. That's just the way it is. What "hot topic" is really "screaming to break out of MY PERSONAL BLOCKAGE BARRICADE today? Let the think. Right today, "IN THE NOW", the first thing that comes up on top of my list is the topic of TIME, and just how SUPER VALUABLE time is, for us ALL. (Especially those of us who ARE older and understand that on a much more visceral level! I was just 40, omg, no, that was 50 just a bit ago, then 60 crept around the corner. BUT OMG, really? Really..... is this my 70th coming up?!!!) The TOPIC of TIME and it's profound value is what I find myself blogging about today. IT IS ALL ABOUT TIME. A commodity that we will all run out of at some point. The older I get the more I realize my TIME is less than it used to be and I am very concerned about how I use it, who I spend it with, and why. I am becoming more conscious of my time on this planet, with the family I love so dearly, the friends and people I wish to laugh more with, explore more with, learn more with, teach things I feel valuable to. I am very aware of the ENERGY that people and places carry. This may be because I am innately a very sensitive person, an artist, a listener, a life coach, one who has had decades of excellent training in the Art of Communication both verbal and non-verbal. But, I know we ALL can learn to become more acutely aware of the energy out in the world that surrounds us; the people and the places. It is important that we learn to do this. It can become a fabulous "tool" we can/will use to STOP WASTING TIME with people who are only going to drain us, only with us for what they can GET from us "energetically". And it can help us to AVOID PLACES where the energy is negative or dangerous, even life threatening. You know, like, avoiding walking down that dark alley that "feels" creepy, or getting out of the store that you just "sense" has some sort of vague heaviness, or subtle negative vibe. The vibes that surround people are created by the thoughts they think repeatedly, the people they hang around with, their past programming and past influences, family and other environmental factors. If I am FEELING DRAINED after being with a person, or in a particular location, place, building, etc.....and realize this is happening all the time, I NOW REALIZE I MUST cut out my exposure to that person, place or situation........ as I have now identified them as an energy drain, or psychic vampire of sorts. That sounds harsh, but that is exactly what they are, and what is happening on the "invisible" or "etheric" level. Vital life force is being taken from the stronger person to the needy one. We all need energy to live and to maintain a healthy life. We need to maintain a strong well balanced energy level. Take for example the "friend" , or "acquaintance" who is ALWAYS staying stuck in their VICTIMHOOD , some limiting, negative, unpleasant "Archetype Drama". No matter what I can share with them about moving on, moving out, growing in positive ways, freeing themselves and unleashing the power they truly DO have within but are not using......they keep saying, chanting to themselves the same old dis-empowering things, over and over. Negative, lies,s illusions, limiting, poor me, I can't, but Nobody ever, it's not my fault, my parents did this to me 30 years ago, etc..... And, I am quietly thinking........"and you have lived on your own for 20 years now? Oh, they died way back then???? And you have had all this time to work on yourself, to change the way you look at your life and the world? You have had opportunity after opportunity to reach out and seek a better way, so much time spent in suffering, unnecessary suffering because you did not, apparently, know that there were options, other, better ways to live life, to create happiness, fulfillment, great supportive relationships, more financial abundance." Well! That type of person is an energy drain and on some level still believes, either consciously or unconsciously, and feels that the only way to get attention, (therefore "energy") is to get it out (suck it out)! of another stronger "energy" or person, by using their VALUABLE time to complain to them about their miserable situation. That is the person I have to let go of in my life, unless they are going to WAKE UP, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for themselves, and STOP BLAMING THE WORLD, THE ECONOMY, The Educational System, THEIR PARENTS, THEIR EX-Spouses, or , lol, TRUMP! (Excuse my sense of humor here but.....Everyone blames Trump..... for everything, no matter what party they may be sort of affiliated with.) Look within. Look within. We are creating our very own versions of reality based upon our perceptions, false or true or somewhere in between. It is an astounding realization when one comes to really GET THIS awareness. It's a real LIGHT BULB ON moment. Bottom line is; it's to our benefit on every level; physically, mentally , emotionally and spiritually to protect and respect our TIME. To create HEALTHY BOUNDARIES so that we can maintain a balance in our lives. To stay out of the STRESS arenas, especially the CHRONIC STRESS arena, and to LIVE LIFE in Peaceful, Creative, Joyful, Positively Productive Arenas that are good for us, and everyone around us. We CAN learn how to do this. So, for me, right now, it's about valuing my time , my energy, and eliminating the people , places or activities that deplete me of my precious life force and energy. I have many things I feel I have left to do with my life on Earth at this time, and will continue to work towards keeping my focus on what is important to me, and not squander my time, energy, effort and abilities on anything, or anyone that knowingly or unknowingly tries to pull me off track. I am SURE many of my readers feel the same way, be it because of our physical age or the life path we have chosen. I know many of you do understand and value YOUR TIME the same way I do. You have learned to protect it. You are focusing upon people and things of interest to you, for your personal pleasure and growth, If NOT...... Consider doing a complimentary coaching session with me to see if you are in the right place in your life to begin to make astounding positive changes. It takes COMMITMENT, and work, but is worth all the time, energy and cost to know that you are beginning to CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS with whatever TIME you may have left. Late Bloomers welcome. I was one, for sure. Still Bloomin' though.... and many more blossoms yet to bloom. Well not to make a decision, IS actually TO MAKE a decision.
Maybe it's just not the right time. Maybe I need more information. Maybe I need to wait for my stars to line up or for Mercury to get out of retrograde. To wait until the Fall, or after I lose 20 pounds, or after I clean out my closets (both real and metaphorical). It may be smart to wait until I get that promotion, or have more money? Or maybe it's that I need to move out of a space of "fearing the unknown", and move off the " sticky dot" with courage and anticipation or even , whoa...… "excitement"! Maybe it's time for ME to act upon MY feelings and needs and to stop waiting to "see what happens". Maybe I need to be PRO active for a change. Stop being a spiritual wimp, and go for the growth that changes always bring. Geeez, maybe I'll even feel lighter and relieved after I make this decision. Wow..... I could even feel HAPPY! OMG, am I really going to feel THAT emotion, yikes.... It's been so long that I have felt really light and happy. Been carrying around way to many "Undecided" thoughts that are just aching for me to let them GO...…….. But that means ….. taaaaa daaaaaaaaa; MAKING THE DECISION. To Decide means to cut off from all other options. If you decide to drive north, you are not going to be driving south, east or west. If you decide to eat spicy noodles, you will not be eating bland, mild noodles. If you decide to go to the beach you will not be at the movies, and if you decide to marry person "A" you will not be marrying person "B", (at least not usually, lol.... if you catch my drift.) I made the decision in November, 2017, to have my second full knee replacement. It is a decision I felt I had to make. I finally had enough "information". (I was in severe pain, was limping, and had no other option, unless I opted for a wheel chair, (which, I DECIDED, was NOT an option for me at this time!) That decision was frightening for me because I already KNEW the recovery would not be easy. And, it has not been. I am still recovering. Still walking very cautiously and still not feeling the strength and support I need to feel. Still not really trusting. But, I had to make that decision. It is amazing how one decision, even ones we think are small, like "Should I drive home the back way or the main way?" can have an enormous impact on our lives. The decision to do the surgery has brought about lots of growth for me in that I have had to deal with developing even MORE patience that I have already had to learn! This decision made me think even more deeply about my purpose in life at this time and how I want to spend the years I hope to have left. It was a tough decision that held a mirror up to my physical human frailty and ultimate mortality. (Just even going into a hospital means letting go of control over your body, and allowing people you don't even know to put you to sleep and cut into you...… holy COW! And, then of course hoping all goes well and you wake up in an improved condition!) This experience impresses upon me how important it is to make wise decisions about all areas of our lives. To be introspective and assess clearly what we are feeling about our lives, our health, our careers, our mates, both platonic and intimate, our use of our gifts and talents, our dreams and desires. Are we paying attention to what life is "mirroring" to us? Are we learning how to decide what or who should "GO" and what or who should "STAY" in our lives? I believe it is very empowering to TUNE IN to ourselves often, even often during the day, and to TRACK what we are really feeling and knowing deeply but sometimes trying to repress, ignore or minimalize. Noticing the truth about "what is" can be a real wake up call and frightening at times. Wondering if we have the guts, courage, strength or know how to decide against something that is no longer serving us. But, what happens if we decide NOT to be active, alert, alive in our lives? Then, we are actually giving up our power and letting our Unconscious decisions create and determine the outcomes. THAT, is not a good idea. When I am working with a client, I am helping them to tune in to the truths of who and what they are and to support them in realigning to their JUICE, the FLOW of Life, their true connection to their creative gifts and their ability to consciously create "the life of their dreams". It's not crazy to believe you can be happy and fulfilled. What is crazy is to keep putting off making decisions that CAN make you happy and fulfilled. Would you like to learn how to pull out those metaphorical "WEEDS" of fear, limitation, and belief in dated teachings, put on your Empowerment Shoes and start walking on the Divine Path to your new life? I would love to help you :)! Are you ready to "Decide"? Big 2018 Hello from Jeanne here!
It's been a long, dark, cold and painful winter with me getting a full knee replacement on the 22 of Nov. The recovery for most of us who have had it, is very demanding. (Oh, yes, and did I say painful?) My sense of humor has been tested to the max. My schedule has been eaten up with merely trying to deal with day to day existence and keeping my home environment somewhat orderly and clean as I can. Thank God for the loving friends and some of my local coaching clients that have helped me through this stretch. (Believe me , the word STRETCH freaks me out now, as I feel like every time I move, I am trying to rip apart strong pieces of heavy duty VELCRO apart from my inner knee area. REALLY CREEPY FEELING!) Real caring people have visited me, cooked for me, grocery shopped for me, called me, drove me to appointments, encouraged me to exercise when I wanted to just sleep until Spring, hoping it was all a bad dream. I am coming along. Just found out I have FORTUNATELY done enough work to avoid the dreaded secondary, corrective, scar scraping surgery some people have to go through. I can't express how grateful I am to have avoided that. I just felt it would have been the end of me. It takes generally 6-12 months for recovery, so hopefully by spring, I will be feeling better and better. It would be a nice April birthday present. :). So this is where I have been and why I have not be active on this site or my coaching website. (that is www.coachjeanneprom.com for those who don't know the url. ) I'm ready to begin working again, so if you or someone you know would like to talk to me in person about life coaching, just contact me and we can set up a call or Skype session to get all your questions answered. Seems many people want to make serious changes this year and coaching does help! For now, I wish you all the courage to make the positive changes you may need to make in your life, to be kind and gentle with yourself and then others. It's a tough world out there, and every one of us is or will have times of tribulation. It is imperative and LIFE giving, LIFE saving sometimes, to be cognizant of the power each of us truly has to help another human being. We can either help them , even if in some seemingly small way, or ignore them, which surely will NOT HELP. So, that hurts them. This is a choice we each have daily, to help ourselves heal, and then help others, or to ignore our personal needs and then fail ourself, let our dreams die and live unfulfilled and dying with regrets. NO THANK YOU.... I don't want to die that way, so I will continue on... (not just get by!) , "with a little help from my friends".... keep choosing life and will continue to do my best to help those who seek my support. Love, Jeanne I am glad 2017 is almost over. No need to elaborate, just really ready for the new year with new positive potentiality. I know there are many people who feel the same way.
Out with the old, in with new, fresh, lighter, brighter creations we are all capable of designing. We just have to remember that we are not victims, but totally able to stop, look at what is, evaluate it and CHANGE it if it is not working well for us. One big thing I created this year, just about a month ago, was having my knee replacement done immediately, instead of putting it off until 2018. It has been three weeks since the operation and while I know I made the best decision for myself, I am still in a lot of discomfort. I'm just glad I only have two legs right about now. Both are bionic now, so I won't have to revisit this procedure again. My Dr. is an excellent surgeon, Dr. Brett Wasserlauf. I could only go through this with someone I totally respect and trust, and so there is much gratitude sprinkled in with the healing discomfort. I highly recommend Brett to anyone needing orthopedic surgery in this CT. area. Another thing I created this year has been "Re-connections" with a number of high school friends, thanks to attending my 50th High School Reunion this past summer. I was not sure I wanted to attend, as I feel I have had 10 different lifetimes between when I left high school and how, having moved all over the USA, married, divorced, several relationships, etc. However, I am glad I went and am enjoying sharing news with old friends and encouraging some who have upcoming health challenges. How important it is to uplift others, to offer kind words, and reflect to them their strengths and good traits. It is a powerful, loving way to create. I continue to love my life coaching practice, as I am working with men and women who are fine tuning their lives, bringing into focus more and more clearly the "life of their dreams". It is all about positive, joyful, purposeful creation. Experiencing the growth in those I am working with makes me feel happy. Realizing that I am helping to free people from their limiting beliefs, some life long lies and illusions, is AWESOME. My desire is to help MORE people feel this exciting freedom and JOY. I'll be working on that in 2018. Ideas are brewing as I am grounded here healing my knee. And lastly, my love of my family and dear friends creates a strong sense of being cared for , appreciated, needed, wanted as well as feeling stability, safety and confidence, (all of which are important in order for positive creations of other sorts to open up.) I'll do my best to love more every day in 2018 . Love myself more and then of course, others. That can mean, "Letting GO" of some whos behaviors and personalities may be extremely difficult. Knowing that they are my teachers in some way, mirroring parts of me that need more introspection and healing. Knowing that each one of us is on our very own personal time table and path towards personal growth. Each of us is doing the best we can at any given moment, and we need to be gentle with ourselves and others. So, lets go 2018! Bring it on..... a higher vibrational year with adventurous challenges and interesting, fun journey's and relationships to enliven us, encourage us, enlighten to realize more and more fully , the awesomeness of "us". Who we really are and all that we can truly do, be and have........ and share. P.S.
I share this because I know there are millions, or more, of people out there who want to feel better than they do this day. If a few of them read even one sentence here that helps them take one positive step forward to the TRUTH of who they are, then writing this is a positive activity. I feel happy writing it. It comes out easily and thank God/Goddess, :) I type fast! (Thanks for that , Mom! and the typing class in high school!) Closer to what? Closer to who I really am! The TRUTH, JOY, and Strength of who I really am. That means, every day I am eliminating more and more of what no longer serves me. Things, activities, places, (and, sometimes, fortunately or unfortunately, people, too!) that deprive me or prevent me from experiencing the happiness I know is available for me. Things that no longer contribute to my fulfilled or joy, must go! I am not finished by any means. There is a lot more that needs to go. I am finding that once I let go of one thing, it becomes easier to let go of another. As I become more clear about me, the more clear I can make my space. (I'm sure everyone who knows me well will be shocked and thrilled to see this shift!) The more clear my space the more clear my mind. The more clear my mind, the more clearly I can be an open channel or conduit for Divine Spirit to work through me. That could be through my creative arts, my writing, my readings, my coaching sessions, daily relationships and the unique circumstances that flow mysteriously into my life. Working on becoming more and more clear helps the judgments, conditioning, assumptions, little critiques I can't help but getting, (we all get them!) fall away and I can be in the NOW. (Read Eckhart Tolle, do yourself a favor!) Now is the only time we can be effective in life, for ourselves or others. Sometimes clarity comes only for a brief moment. My work is to connect more and more of these brief moments of awareness and power into a longer stream of awareness, power. Feeling the total connectedness with my life purpose and God/The Divine Creator/ Source. ( I have no trouble calling it God.) Some people call it a state of pure BLISS. For me it's one where all words fall away and I am immersed in joy so indescribably, cosmically HUGE and BEWILDERING in a MOST AWESOME WAY, I can't describe it, truly in fairness to the experience, I can't. SO, yes, everyday I am getting closer to realizing the LIMITLESS TRUTH of who not only I am but who we all are. WE ALL, truthfully, ARE LIMITLESS, yet most still live most of the time in limitation. It's very, very frustrating because it is not the truth of who we are. Remember the poor little swan in the" Ugly Duckling" story? The little creature grew up feeling different, awful and awkward, etc. because he was NOT what he was growing up with, being conditioned by, etc. He was not a duck. Like the Ugly Duckling, we are NOT just bodies. Not just human. We, too are Divine. We,too, are not only what we have been conditioned to believe by our parents, local communities, societies, countries, religions, teachers, entertainment, etc., etc. Without the Divine part, the much larger part of us, we could no, would not be alive. Period. That awesome, beyond mind blowing, heart exploding loving, creative and healing energy is right within us waiting for us to realize it. Waiting for us to clean out and clear out all that we don't feel good, happy, fulfilled about, SO THAT it can bring massive healing on all levels of our being. I share this because I know there are millions, or more, of people out there who want to feel better than they do this day. If a few of them read even one sentence here that helps them take one positive step forward to the TRUTH of who they are, then writing this is a positive activity. I feel happy writing it. It comes out easily and thank God/Goddess, :) I type fast! (Thanks for that , Mom! and the typing class in high school!) For those who want to feel better, please take time to take a look at your life. Take time, take a notebook, list the things you see, do or have in your life that drag you down, frustrate you, irritate you, exhaust you, depress you, hurt you, lower your frequency, and begin to let go of them one at a time. Start the ball rolling. You will be surprised at how all of a sudden you are looking at a whole different "landscape of your life". Sometimes careers will have to go, jobs, people you deal with that are constant sources of energetic drain, imbalanced relationships, downer relationships, negative habit patterns, addictions to the myriad of things humans get addicted to, and some places will go as well. Keep all that makes you feel light, bright, happy, fulfilled, acknowledged, supportive, loved and loving. All that makes you shine bright with joy and just beaming out positive vibes and feelings to everyone around. And focus only upon that which you wish to have in your life. Keep it positive, and present and simple! It's a good thing to affirm often, daily; "Everyday I am getting closer to my TRUTH and JOY" When I am doing my laps I think a lot. There is not much else you can do while doing the crawl, but think. The choice is whether I let my thoughts dictate to me what I think about, OR, if I jump into my CONSCIOUS MODE and think the thoughts I want to create.
Being Conscious, that is what it is all about. If you don't like what you are experiencing in your daily life, then you are most likely UN-Conscious too much of the time. You need to saddle that horse and THINK THE THINGS YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE, and let go of any and all thoughts that are not in alignment with that. Period the end. Yes, I could end this here. But, I won't . Those of you who are more familiar with me know that I can be verbose. I don't especially like that about me, but I do prefer verbose to those who tell, share, or teach nothing. I would rather say too much at times, than too little. That way, the listener or reader can shut me off or out, but if I say nothing, then there is nothing they can perhaps learn from me. Being a bit older than many, I have lots of life experience, and therefore much to share. Some of it can be very valuable to certain people at certain times. Coming up to the 70 in two years, I have fought the battle of cancer, divorce, financial challenges and stress, dating as an older woman, being a Grand Mother.....(oh, oh, oh, and yes, I am that...... ) Plus I have studies many things that impact our daily life; 20+ years of studying health and nutrition, doing network marketing of several sorts, doing fairly well at it at times, :)....... Taking Life Coaching Training from the BEST; David Gershon and Gail Straub with the Empowerment Institute in Rhinebeck , N.Y. and with Christian Pankhurst and his awesome Heart IQ modality. He was Britian's Top Coach, and I absolutely respect and am amazed at this person's personal development and skill at teaching. People who want to grow, who are ready to grow would find me a very good life coach if our personalities jive. ( 99% of the time they have and do). People who want to continue to HIDE behind their social masks would find what I do too uncomfortable. Obviously, I won't be and can't be working with them. They are not ready to discover why they are living the "LESS THAN " experience of life they are living. They are not ready to learn what their CORE BELIEFS are , which keep them STUCK and UNHAPPY. I can't help anyone who is not ready. That is a simple truth. But, if YOU are ready to get answers as to WHY you are not where you wish, or want to be in life...... if YOU are capable of committing to weekly exploration of your life with my guidance..... if you are FINALLY ready and willing to realize you MUST MAKE A CHANGE OR TWO in your life. ....... THEN THEN THEN and only then, I can help you. What I know now at 68 is that being REAL is the most wonderful thing one can be in life. That means you are being your AUTHENTIC SELF. There is no need for pretense, nervousness, feelings of insecurity, feelings of being "less than", feeling not good enough, feeling awkward, or undeserving. No..... NO NO NO. When you realize who you are; THE TRUE YOU..... the AUTHENTIC YOU, you will feel confident, focused, strong and happy to be who you are. You will want to OPEN UP and share that YOU with other. You will not feel the need to shrink and be small. You will LOVE not only yourself but OTHERS. How much better does this sound than trying to be someone you are not, something you are not suited for or really want to be anyway? How much better does it sound to be LIGHT, and shining BRIGHT, and feeling EXCITED about your life and days, and the people you interact with every day. How much better is it to love yourself than to be always putting yourself down or minimizing your contributions and talents? Geeeezzzzz. All I want to do is BE FREAKIN' REAL. I don't need to impress anyone. What a damn RELIEF. It does not matter what I wear or if my hair is in a frizzy tizzy, if I have makeup on or off, or if I am my perfect weight or not. Sure, sometimes those things are wonderful to experience , but that is not where most of us are all the time. Usually we have something that can TRY to niggle at us to feel lousy. HOWEVER, I find that a person who is being REAL is very attractive. All that crap masking act can be put aside and there is then energy for a REAL LIVE COMMUNICATION to happen. A real connection to be made. HOW good that feels. When is the last time you felt a REAL CONNECTION with someone? Most of my communications, at this point are REAL It is a good place to be. I don't want to waste my time or anyone else's trying to portray someone I am not. The people I tend to attract for close friendships are also people who are REAL. We have broken through the veil of PRETENSE. We know that type of relationship will never work for long. It is emotionally draining and basically UNFULFILLING in the longer run. Nothing but the TRUTH works. Inside you, inside me, we KNOW the TRUTH, and it's darn hard to hide that on an older or more conscious human being. Why not give up the charade that many see through ANYWAY, and just BE REAL? BE YOURSELF? Enjoy the comfort that YOU are when being YOU! These are the thoughts that are coming through me this evening. They flew our of my fingers here , so I hope they LAND for whomever they were meant to help today. Basically, at this time, all I can add is that if you are beginning to think you may benefit from some life coaching, contact me. Same place as always. [email protected]. I will answer any questions you may have. My website is at; www.coachjeanneprom.com Have some kind of FUN this Memorial Day Weekend! Brightest Blessings, Jeanne It's the 4th of July, 2016 and yes, we are freer than most people in many respects, and that is something to be consistently grateful for. What I am thinking about however, is just how free we could be if we were totally free. How can that ever be? How can we ever get to that place of total freedom? By realizing , fully, who we are as human beings. This is to realize that we are not only "human beings", but to realize the "divine" within us. We were not only created by a superior being,but we are part of that Supreme Being, Divine Creator, Father/Mother God/Goddess whomever you may choose to believe in. This analogy comes to mind; maybe it will help me explain what I mean; When I make a delicious meal, and everyone compliments me, which they often do, I know it is not just the physical ingredients I put into the dishes. It is the positive energy, the good energy, the creative energy and love that I am flavoring and energizing the food with. It is this combination of my love, my energy, my creativity and the physical food itself. There is a dash of food intellect and awareness, yes. A dash. And as we are created, for our lifetime on this planet, this materialist, dualistic world, we, too, are not only made by, but made WITH the characteristics and abilities of our creator. Trouble is; we really do not KNOW this. Not the majority of us. We feel separated, alone, sometimes helpless and hopeless. Our "God" is way up there in the sky somewhere, maybe combing his long, long, eternally long white beard, with angels fluttering about playing harps and flutes. I believe that we are created to be the one of a kind, totally unique and magnificent human beings. We have the energy of the Creator poured into our genetics, DNA, soul, spirit, mental, emotional and energy bodies. We are far more capable than we realize. We are far more connected than we realize. I recall now a verse from the Bible that has stuck with me; Jesus said; "And ye shall do even greater things (than the healings he was doing) because I go to the Father". Something like that. If I had a concordance here, I could find out exactly where it is written, but that is not really necessary. It is the Spirit of this message that is important in my writings. The point is that we, like Christ, have the same innate powers to heal and move things, situations, people, diseases out of our lives if we only realized it and acted upon it by speaking forth the commands like; "Mountain of debt, be removed" , "Cancer be GONE", "Clarity for my life come forth", etc. On and on and on . We all have things we want and do need. Some do this. Too few know it to be possible. Unconsciously, and amidst lots of pains, sorrows and fear, most move through life; barely, "hangin' in there", "still above ground", "fine " (lying to themselves and others). "The Full Monty" of Freedom is what I know is available and what I want for myself and all others. Part of my life coaching is to help others see clearly where they are imprisoned by their own believes and attitudes, actions and creations. Another part of it is to help them find their true selves, the part hiding under decades of lies and illusions, falsehoods and frustrations. I have been liberating myself for decades, and continue to work on myself, to expand my awareness of life, people, personalities, powers, empowerment, love, consciousness and connection to the Divine. As I have worked on myself, the desire to help free up others became my life's work, and I do feel it's a big part of my purpose on this planet at this time. Jeanne Prom, Life Coach and Liberator! I so desire to see this world and all it's people TRULY FREE. We are in such a tense place now globally, that it reminds me of the TOWER card in the tarot deck. This speaks of a SWIFT and unexpected calamity that comes about to shake things up and move them along for t he betterment of all. To strike the tower with lightening and throw the people out seems so awful, and to us with our limited thinking, it is. If it were us, or our loved ones we would be beyond devastated. But, if we don't wake up and change our world, that TOWER card warning is going to happen. SOMETHING has to happen to change our world where so many are not free, not free to even eat a decent meal any day, never mind every day. Not free to live without being beaten, abused mentally and or physically. Not free to walk, run, play, or enjoy life due to some disease or imbalance. Not free to stay home to raise children they want to be with but have to work to earn a paltry salary and become a drone, prisoner to "the governmental system" that has way, way, way too many people stuck under it's thumb, (exactly where they want us!) The freedom I believe in is so much bigger and better than this illusion of freedom we have. Yes, it is better than many places. I know. But why do we stay in mediocrity, while many suffer terribly in this so called "freedom". Why do we stay small when we were created for greatness? Who else out there wants to be part of the BIG freedom that is REAL? What can each of us do? How can we take steps forward to bring about more true freedom in our personal lives. How can we each do some part even if it seems small, not "good enough"..... to help liberate our loved ones, friends, those who cannot currently help themselves? This is what is going through MY mind, as I complete this writing on July 7th, 2016. Wanting BIG , REAL, EXCITING FREEDOM for all, for all limitations.............
I posted the following on my facebook coaching page this week;
https://www.facebook.com/DavidAvocadoWolfe/photos/a.10150364951666512.342374.102515706511/10153115989896512/?type=3 Feedback I am seeing is telling me that MORE PEOPLE "liked" that post than almost anything else I have ever posted. Interesting to me. That says something for sure; 1. Many people are feeling some depression, or they HAVE in the past. 2. Many people know other people around them who are depressed. 3. People "get it", that WHO we spend time with is important. 4. That as we "realize" that truth, we have the option, choice and RESPONSIBILITY to choose different people to spend out time with. This means letting go of people and relationshiips that deplete us, harm us, diminish us, demean us on any level. It means we have to take the step to make that change. Like Michale Jackson sang ; "If ya want to make the world a better place, take a look at YOURSELF and make the chance"..... (something close to that). Depression can be described as "anger , turned inward" on one's self. If we are angry at someone, or something about our life on a regular basis and we do not express it, it goes inward. "Emotions buried alive, never die" is the name of a great book. It is also, the truth. First; a person needs to realize they are not happy, or in fact they are numb, or just so checked out of their emotions they basically feel NOTHING. They need to realize they are not feeling "alive and juicy", Then to realize that in doing so they are keeping hidden or buried the very thing, the very information they need to face; to come to terms with.One needs to give voice to that anger, in a safe space, and in a healthy way, to release it. Venting angrily and out of control to the wrong individual and or in the wrong "place" is not the ticket to healing. Depression can be healed, most of the time. While some people may need medication due to chemical imbalances in their bodies, most people just need to be truthful with themselves about their lives, and how they really feel, and what they really want and NEED to feel relaxed, peaceful and able to experience happiness and joy. Love love love Stuart Wilde, whom I mention often as he was a most fabulous writer of spiritually humorous put POWERFUL books. I recommend him highly. He just dies this ipast year or so, but left a legacy for sure. I leave todays writing with one of his book titles; "Life was not meant to be a struggle"..... If you are depressed or know someone who is, this is a reminder that help is available and things can change. Staying stuck in it is NOT going to help. The sooner action is taken the sooner someone will be feeling better. My offer still stands; a complimentary coaching session to anyone who is curious about what life coaching is and to feel into if it could help them. Happy Days..... are available :)..... Love, Jeanne "I am sooo happy to announce that one of my former clients has completed the writing of and soon to be published book titled;
"Ghost of a Shadow" She co authored it with her sister, and that is all explained on her new and "in process/progress" website at; http://ghostofashadow.com/index.html While I do not know her sister, I can say this about Andrea; This woman took one courageous step after another, and here she now stands; a published author. She had to let go of that which no longer serving her in her life; and in fact was hurting her on several levels, in order to get the clarity, and raise her energy to where she COULD take the inspired steps forward into her truth, her authenticity and her JOY. She physically moved, she left behind relationships that she realized were not for her highest and best, she quit working at a JOB that was unfulfilling and physically, emotionally and mentally draining, and she got down to the business of being tuned in and true to who she really is. She nourished that new view and was patient with her own growth. She was, as my mentor and coach, Christian Pankhurst, says to us all; "gentle with herself". Andrea, I am so happy for you. I know how happy you must feel with such an accomplishment in physical form, to soon be on bookshelves and widely read by children and parents all over the USA and perhaps further! Congratulations to you both. Now, take time to relax and rejoice in the "juicyness" of this milestone. Celebrate your self! You have come a long way and been strong through the growing process. I have a strong feeling this is not the end of your journeying, either :) :) :). With Love and Admiration , Jeanne |
Take it from me, don't be an ass. Call for your free consultation and begin to get the help and support you need to create a happier life!
The Dragon is a symbol of empowerment. I found this unusual purple crystal and made this necklace! I like what I create or wear to be meaningful. This piece is for sale at $50.
Eat Healthy! You'll feel better!
Spend time in Nature daily!